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Dale Kobialko, Massage Services

Massage therapist Langley, DaleDale has a Bachelor of Science degree with majors in chemistry and biology from the University of Regina.

After obtaining his bachelor’s, he attended the Professional Institute of Massage Therapy in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to get his two-year college diploma in massage services.

My love of science led me in the direction of natural health and healing

Dale Kobialko, massage services & PEMF Therapy at Langley Sports and Rehabilitation

From Cruise Lines to Chiropractic Office

After graduation from massage school, Dale spent the next five years traveling the world and working with Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruise Lines in the spa industry. Then one day, a client of Dr. Irving’s contacted him and mentioned that Langley Sports & Rehabilitation was looking for someone to do massage services. After meeting with the staff and giving them a few massages, Dale was on board!

Dale’s background combines not just science but spirit because he works with energy healing too. “My working knowledge of the metaphysical realm – the body, mind and soul – all that ties into helping individuals. Massage isn’t just a physical treatment. I look at the whole individual for their health and wellness.”

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

Are you looking to improve any of these common health challenges?

Poor circulation, headaches, sciatica, arthritis, insomnia, chronic pain, cancer, eye or hearing issues, bone fractures, any back or body pain, Parkinsons’, digestive challenges, constipation, thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, any spinal alignment issues, any type of body pain with the knee or hip, lack of energy, etc. PEMF therapy may help support your ability to heal yourself.

For more information, go to:

In addition to doing Massage and PEMF Services, Dale is also an instructor, healer and health coach.

Are you ready to transport yourself to tranquility and find real relief? Call (604) 888-1533 today to schedule an appointment.


Dale Kobialko | (604) 888-1533